I plucked one plump black olive from the plate and put it in my mouth immediately before saying, “Well, I feel bad for you, then.”“ Why’s that?”“ Because I love antipasto.”“ I guess I don’t understand why that’s a problem.”“ Because, ” I emphasized, cutting into a piece of salmon. “I don’t like to share.” I quickly slipped the smoked meat in my mouth before winking at him. His smile finally met his eyes again. “Good to know, because I’m not the sharing kind of guy either.” He winked back at me, but it was so blatantly comical that I couldn’t help the laugh that flew out of my mouth. “Something tells me you’re not talking about cured meats, ” I said before slapping his hand away from my olives. “I knew you were smart.” I swallowed the olive I’d snatched from his hand and glared at him, while mouthing, “Mine.”“Funny, that’s what I was thinking, too, ” he said, looking directly at me. Whitney Barbetti
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More Quotes By Whitney Barbetti
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  2. Love, the emotion that should elicit healing, was in fact the most painful emotion of them all. It crept in when you didn’t want it. Made itself at home, terrorizing your hormones with confusion. It made you more susceptible to pain, it weakened your resolve...

  3. I don't want to merely exist, Parker. I want to live. I want to leave the world with that one sweet moment.

  4. Words could bite. When I spoke to strangers, I wanted my words to have fangs.

  5. Take this wine glass for example. If I had poured milk into it and told you it was wine, would you be upset when you took the first sip, expecting the bite of fermented grapes and getting milk instead?”“ I like milk.” Everett fought a...

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